Complaints Policy
This outlines how ATL handles any complaint you wish to make about an insurance policy we have quoted or issued or the service we have provided. We strive to ensure that our service commitment to you is in accordance with the General Insurance Code of Practice as shown on the Insurance Council of Australia website at www.codeofpractice.com.au
We have an Internal Dispute Resolution Process in place, which aims to provide clients with a fair resolution to any complaint.
If we are unable to resolve the complaint with you, you are able to refer your complaint to our external dispute resolution provider depending on the circumstances relating to your complaint.
If you wish to make a complaint this is the process to follow:
Talk to the ATL underwriter or claims officer who looks after your insurance matters and explain to them what your Complaint is about.
They will advise the ATL Complaints Manager of the details of your Complaint and our Complaints Manager will aim to contact you within 24 hours of you making the Complaint. If you prefer, you may wish to speak directly to our Complaints Manager. Our Complaints Manager has the necessary authority to deal with the Complaint.
ATL’s Complaints Manager’s contact details are as follows:
ATL Insurance Group Pty Ltd, PO Box 6824, Upper Mount Gravatt, QLD 4122
e-mail: idr@atlinsurance.com.au
Phone: (07) 3420 8805
Fax: (07) 3420 8899
We will acknowledge receipt of your Complaint or Dispute and we will make a decision about your Complaint or Dispute within the timeframe applicable to your Complaint or Dispute under Australian insurance laws. We will notify you of the applicable timeframe when we contact you to acknowledge receipt of your Complaint or Dispute. The timeframe applicable to complaints made by retail clients, which includes individuals and small businesses, is 30 days from when we first become aware of your complaint. If we cannot make our decision within this timeframe, then before this deadline passes we will tell you, in writing, the reasons for the delay and your right to take your Complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), and its contact details. AFCA are our external dispute resolution scheme.
We will only ask for and take into account relevant information when deciding on your Complaint. You will have access to information about you that we have relied on in assessing your Complaint and an opportunity to correct any mistakes or inaccuracies. If you wish to review our information relating to your complaint you must advise our Complaints Manager.
We will keep you informed of the progress of our response to your Complaint at least every 10 days business.
In cases where further information, assessment or investigation is required, reasonable alternative timeframes will be agreed with you by us. We will seek such agreement from you before the expiry of the applicable deadline for us to make a decision about your Complaint or Dispute passes. If agreement cannot be reached, you can report your concerns to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority.
You will receive a response to your Complaint in writing from us giving:
Reasons for the decision;
Information on how to access our external dispute resolution scheme; and
Notification of the timeframe within which you must register your dispute with the external dispute resolution scheme.
6. Our external dispute resolution scheme is the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).
You can take your Complaint or Dispute to AFCA at any time. AFCA can be contacted at the following address:
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001
Phone: 1800 931 678
email: info@afca.org.au
The services of AFCA resolve certain disputes between consumers and insurers. They will provide an independent review at no cost to you and their recommendations on the resolution of a dispute are not binding on you but are binding on us.