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Driver Acceptance Guide

ATL has developed Driver Acceptance Criteria that support responsible driver progression.

Has your driver had a licence suspended for any reason in the last 5 years ?

Has your driver ever been convicted of a criminal offence in the past 10 years (5 years if juvenile)? Or if outside of these years any convictions that have had a prison sentence greater than 30 months?

Select the truck configuration that your driver will be in control of:

Select your driver’s freight type:

Select your driver’s operating radius from base:

Has your driver been licenced in Australia in the nominated class for more than X years?

Not Accepted

Driver not Accepted under ATL Guidelines
Please contact us if you would like ATL to consider special acceptance for a driver

Acceptance Criteria Met


With the information you have entered into the Driver Acceptance Tool, the driver would be accepted under the ATL guidelines. This Driver Acceptance Tool outlines the ATL standard coverage overview which will always be a reflection on various risk factors and freight tasks. Please review the relevant PDS on this website or talk to your broker for the right advice.


If you have a current policy with ATL, it may need to be amended to accommodate this acceptance. 

This Driver Acceptance Tool is used in reference to new policy contracts bound on or after the 8th of February 2021 under the ATL Transport Operators Package PDS 1 February 2021  

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Office: 1300 667 178​

Claims: 1300 285 247

2024 Copyright ATL Insurance Group Pty Ltd ABN 33 133 273 631 | AFSL Licence No. 333234.

Please read and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement before you make any decisions about insurance products. The relevant PDS and TMD are available on the document tab in the header of the website.

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